Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Force Is Unusually Strong With Me

Hey guys! I want to welcome you to my new Star Wars blog. 
I will be blogging about:

- the six episodes, original trilogy and prequel trilogy, that make up the main film series

-the upcoming seventh episode, which I am stoked for

- the Clone Wars Cartoon Network TV series (seasons 1-6) and movie

I don't exactly remember my first exposure to the Star Wars universe, but I had always been aware of  Star Wars, mainly through watching parts of the movies and going on the Star Tours rides during my multiple vacations to Disneyland. 

However, I was never really that into Star Wars until recently.  At this point, you're probably wondering to yourself right now, "Wait why is she dedicating a whole blog to Star Wars if she was never that into it for the first 17 years of her life?".  Well readers keep on reading to find out. 

I have always wanted to watch all of the Star Wars movies, but I could never find the time to do so or I would forget about it and put it off.  When I found out that the movies were going to be re-released in 3D in theaters back in late 2011, I thought I was going to be able to watch all the movies in theaters, but that ended up not happening.  I missed episode I unfortunately because my friend wanted to watch another movie instead.  The 3D re-release dates of the other episodes were postponed and are unknown as of now because of the new focus on Star Wars: Episode VII.  I am still hoping that they will be re-released. 

I finally found my opportunity to watch last July when I literally took the whole summer off doing absolutely nothing.  I sat down in front of my computer and blasted through all six episodes, starting with the prequel trilogy (episodes I-III in that order) and ending with the original trilogy (episodes IV-VI in that order), within two weeks flat.  My life has never been the same since then. 

Just a few months ago back in January a friend who is also a huge Star Wars fan suggested to me that I watch this show related to Star Wars called The Clone Wars and I have become a huge fan of the 6 season series ever since.  As a matter of fact, the show just started streaming at midnight on Netflix on March 7th.  I will be watching as soon as I finish writing this blog post. 

I also visited this Star Wars exhibit, Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination, which focuses on the science and technology behind Star Wars, at the Tech Museum in San Jose back on January 23rd.  This exhibit has actually been to 19 other science museums across the U.S. and Australia since 2005 before this stop.  
I am still not over the experience because it was so surreal to see actual props, costumes, and models from the movie sets and ride a simulation of the Millennium Falcon from inside the cockpit.  My experience would've been complete if I constructed my own light saber, but I was late for the workshop unfortunately. 
I took 61 pictures. Yes you read that right.  Here are some pictures I took. 
Darth Vader

Princess Leia, R2-D2, C-3PO

Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi

Han Solo and Boba Fett

Yoda puppet

Padmé Amidala

Anakin's prosthetic hand

Darth Maul's light saber

Obi-Wan Kenobi's light saber

I have become a hardcore, obsessed fan and literally think about Star Wars nearly every day.  I check regularly for updates on what's going on in the Star Wars world via the official website, http://starwars.com/, the verified Twitter page, @starwars, and Google.  Star Wars has become a huge chunk of my life and I would like to use this blog as a chance to share my fascination with the Star Wars universe with you, my readers.